SF 37- Conversion (George’s Story, part 1)

SF 37- Conversion (George’s Story, part 1)

Revelation 12 tells us that we overcome the enemy by two things: the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony (12:10). So, we decided to pull back the curtain for a few weeks and talk to George about his story. Turns out, George grew up in a highly moral home- one...
An introduction to the Keystones

An introduction to the Keystones

Standfast In the Scottish Reformed tradition, a modified version of the Medieval devotional practice of Lectio Divina, had long been practiced. This was originally a four-step approach to studying the Scriptures…—> first, Lectio or reading.—>...
SF 36- Why discipleship matters

SF 36- Why discipleship matters

Ultimately, discipleship always points people to something beyond themselves AND even beyond the person doing the discipling. Throughout the New Testament, Paul repeatedly said, “Follow me, as I follow Christ.” That is, “Look at me, yes. I’ll...
SF 35- How discipleship works

SF 35- How discipleship works

  Discipleship works best when it’s imparted through relationships and not mere words. That is, it involves a transfer of heart and soul mores than just facts and data. In this talk we discuss one of the fundamental nuances of HOW we were created. Namely,...
SF 34- What discipleship is

SF 34- What discipleship is

In episode 34 of the Standfast-Cast we begin a new series about discipleship- what it is, how it works, and why we do it. In this talk, we discuss the WHAT. Discipleship is a word that’s tossed around church circles- a lot. People are for it. They think we need...