
Dig Deep into Scripture

The Keystone Project

A project by Dr. George Grant to encourage, equip, and empower you to StandFast
by diving deep into the riches of Scripture every day. Here’s how it works…

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Keystones is Chalmers’ Methodology

Keystones reflects Thomas Chalmers’ vision and is a tool for discipleship through Scripture memory.

Thomas Chalmers (1780 -1847) was born during a season in Scotland in which the church was largely lifeless and dry.

Iain Murray is the preeminent Christian historian and biographer of the last generation and the founder of Banner of Truth. He writes-

  When Chalmers was born in 1780, it was about the deadest time in the history of the Church of Scotland since the Reformation. When he died in 1847, it was about the livest. The difference was almost entirely attributable to the Spirit’s work through him. 

Chalmers trained a generation of leaders, radically altering the spiritual, moral, and political climate of Scotland.

Linchpin Verses in Scripture

Chalmers desperately wanted his students to mine the riches of Scripture- and then hide it in their hearts.

He identified the key verse from every chapter of every book in the New Testament and created a tool that identified the passages which were, in his mind, keystones.

The result was a survey and systematic theology which his parishioners studied each day.


A keystone is the linchpin, the centerpiece, that holds a bridge or arch together.


Now Available To You

George is a natural-born pastor and teacher.

Feeling confident that the Keystones were one of the richest elements of Chalmers’ ministry, George determined to recreate the Keystones for modern day followers of Christ who desire to live forward while looking back and mining the depths of Scripture to build solid roots.

The result is a set of journals, identifying a key verse for each day. It’s an incredible way to journey through the New Testament!

Equipping for every good work

The Keystone passage each day provides a means to “live out” the confession that all Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for living, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16).

Chalmers posited that unbelief was the result not of a lack of faith but of neglecting the Word: “Unbelief is an intelligent turning away from the Word of God. It is not rooted in ignorance but in negligence.”

At StandFast, we feel a call to dig deep, feel courage and valor rising, and live forward graciously.


About Dr. George Grant

George Grant is the Pastor of Parish Presbyterian Church, Director of the King’s Meadow Study Center, Founder of both Franklin Classical School and Bannockburn College, and Coordinator of the Chalmers Fund. He is the author of dozens of books in the areas of history, biography, politics, literature, and social criticism and he has written hundreds of essays, articles, and columns. He is a regular contributor to World Radio. And his work on behalf of the homeless, for international relief and development, for racial reconciliation, and for the sanctity of life has been profiled in such varied media outlets as the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Focus on the Family, The 700 Club, the Coral Ridge Hour, Point of View, Crossfire, World Magazine, and Christianity Today.