Word Play: Nostalgia

Word Play: Nostalgia

Do you remember when going out to dinner meant spreading a red and white checked tablecloth over a picnic table in the backyard? Remember when playing some music meant gathering the whole family on the front porch with mismatched instruments, everyone singing...
Endurance: From Beginning to End

Endurance: From Beginning to End

The race really does go to the tortoise and not the hare.  It is perseverance that ultimately will win the prize, not knowledge, not talent, and not connections.  It is that undying tenacity that sets itself on the end, that finishes the race, that completes...
Doing Right

Doing Right

According to James Longstreet, “Error lives but a day.  Truth is eternal.”  The truth will prevail.  Right will endure.  Integrity will triumph in the end.  Justice and virtue are able to withstand every charge.  Such things...
Nouveau Pelagianism

Nouveau Pelagianism

In his Confessions, Augustine (354-430) describes mankind’s universal sinful bent as “concupiscence.” The Greek word epithumia (ἐπιθυμία) occurs 38 times in the New Testament. It describes the utter enfeebling of...