06 Memoria = Memorize

06 Memoria = Memorize

Standfast The final step of Divine Reading (Lectio Divina) is to memorize the key verse of the chapter we’re studying. We hide it in our heart, recognizing that memorized Scripture was the exclusive means people throughout history have had to carry the Word with...
05 Evangelii = Gospel

05 Evangelii = Gospel

Standfast As we apply the Scriptures, we need to be able to see the Gospel in the text (Evangelii). Where is the pattern of redemption shown, the glory of grace extended, the promise of forgiveness established, and the merit of Jesus laid upon us? And, there’s...
04 Contemplatio = Action

04 Contemplatio = Action

Standfast Once you’ve reflected on the chapter AND spent time praying through it, it is now time to respond to it. (The Respond page of the Keystones includes Contemplatio, Evangelii, and Memoria.) We begin those three with Contemplatio, that is, apply. The...
03 Oratio = Prayer

03 Oratio = Prayer

Standfast After reading and discovering what the passage says, we move to prayer… In fact, we take time to stop to pray through the whole passage (Oratio). We might begin in several places… What is there to be thankful for here? How does this prompt us...
02 Meditatio = Meditation

02 Meditatio = Meditation

Standfast After reading the passage (Lectio), the second step in Divine Reading (Lectio Divina) is to think through what the chapter is teaching (Meditatio). What does it mean?. How should it be understood?. How should the passage be interpreted?. Is it primarily...