As lesson 3 begins, we reflect on when Scripture— and memorizing it— became important…

For some of us…

An activity (such as exercise, walking, or another time in which we could “stack” this on top of that) led us to do it.
Our childhood- we were encouraged to do so from a young age.
Past Bible studies or learning environments equipped us to do so.
Experiences such as a church camp, a retreat, or another significant life event empowered this habit.

Memorizing the Bible causes us to read it differently. We begin seeing things we haven’t seen, and we start retaining more. We reflect upon the text even when it’s not sitting in front of us, making connections to God’s plan of redemption as well as to life’s everyday events.

Notably, Scripture memory is actually commanded in the Bible itself (see Deuteronomy 6, 11, Psalm 119:11, Psalm 40, Colossians 3:16). In Bible times, people and to memorize Scripture, as they didn’t have access to the written text as readily as we do. With our “easy access,” it seems we may have taken its availability for granted.

In this lesson George explains that in order to get “mastery” of the passage, we should…

First, find the “keystone.”

Second, memorize it, thereby help us frame the greater passage (chapter).

And then, we should go a step farther, a step that Chalmers began utilizing….

Third, we should pray, asking the Lord with whom we should share that passage, encouraging them.

You see, the admonition to “speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” isn’t limited to Sunday morning worship services (see Ephesians 5:19).

What if we truly endeavored to breathe life into each other throughout the ups and downs of everyday life with a specific word from the Word?

Incidentally, chapter 3 of Colossians speaks of “letting the Word dwell in you richly” (3:16). And, it’s, as you might imagine, the keystone… the linchpin.

Download the study guide for Colossians at 

You may also like this previous episode of the Standfast Podcast- “How to Read Your Bible” (from the Habits of Holiness series, #2 of 4)-