“O God, may I number my days so as to apply my heart to wisdom. Grant me the guidance of Thy Spirit and the joys of salvation.”
“Time is short; and as the years revolve over me, may I learn to prize as the truest of all wisdom, the wisdom of the Gospel. I am in Thy hand, O God.”
“O God, may I grow every day in faith and charity.”
“O God, impress upon me the value of time, and give regulation to all my thoughts and movements.”
“The Bible should be the daily exercise of those who have decidedly embarked in the business.”
“Teach me the act of exacting piety from everything around me. Accept O God, my gratitude for the peacefulness of Thy Sabbaths. Give me light and comfort in prayer.
Settle me in the principles of the knowledge of Christ.”
“May I be strong in faith, instant in prayer, high in my sense of duty, and vigorous in the execution of it.”
“Let me never cease to pray for the Spirit to make good my sanctification.”
“My business is to never relax a single sentiment founded on Scripture and to steer myself by the guidance of conviction and the Divine Spirit through all that can oppose itself to the interests of the Gospel.”
“Help our unbelief, O God; dissolve our hardness; enter into our hearts. May Christ be our all and, under the influence of that which availeth faith working by love, grant that He may be to us power and wisdom and sanctification and complete wisdom.”
“O God, grant Thy Spirit to work in me the work of faith with power.”